
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

How can anyone LIKE cold weather?

     I have never enjoyed being cold. It is uncomfortable. I have more trouble getting warm than cooling off. Cold weather demands special preparations...
furnace inspections, getting out the winter clothes, winterizing the car( if you still insist on having one). Consider some of the unpleasant connotations of the word.

"cold" shoulder... ignoring or pretending to ignore someone; "cold" fish...someone who has a personality that is not welcoming or warm; "cold" turkey...stopping something abruptly with unpleasant results; "cold" feet( I have them right now, literally AND figuratively)... afraid to act or timid; "{cold" sore...
Do you follow me?

     Right now just east of Downtown Louisville the temperature is less than 10 degrees Fahrenheit ( minus 12.2 Celsius). I do not consider that a comfortable temperature. It is too uncomfortable ( and can be too  dangerous) to go outdoors.
It requires using your heat which dries out your skin, your nasal passages and your throat. Unless you find something pleasant to take your mind off of the temperature it can be depressing.

    Cold weather makes me less likely to go outside and amble around interesting neighborhoods in Louisville. That is one activity ( two , if you count the walk to get there) that I enjoy that I ABSOLUTELY do not partake of in cold weather. I used to say that "cold" was anything below 50 F. I have recently, for some unknown reason, modified that to anything below 40 F.

Are there things that I do indoors that can warm me up a little? Sure there are... cleaning the apartment, working out and a few other things. I will be working out shortly for about 45 minutes. I may do my laundry later if I can screw up the courage to brave the 100 yard walk to the laundromat. Tomorrow, I will clean the apartment. I also have to cook something for supper yet today, as well.

Oh I hope it is Springtime tomorrow.....

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