
Monday, March 3, 2014

Whatever the cost... harsh diplomatic and economic sanctions for Russia...

Don't let this bluff that Putin is now running fool you. It is a near last gasp effort by an "elected" dictator to save the "failed State" he is ruling. Russia cannot long support any military action  if it's foreign holdings are frozen, it's trade partners stop trading with them , visas are no longer issued and ambassadors are expelled. Putin has been living on his reputation as a bully for years and no one has dared to call his bluff. THIS is the time. THIS is the way to properly, in a non-violent fashion, put an ultimatum to Putin. He should be told, unconditionally, to remove all military personnel from Ukraine, engage in negotiations to cease all repressive human rights violations in Russia and release any political prisoners. Many say that the price of such an action is too high. I do not agree. Is the price high? Yes but, then, the price of freedom is never cheap.

There is more at stake here than just the future of Ukraine. If Russia's economic fragility is exploited NOW what happens to Iran? Who will be their sponsor? How will they be able to support Hezbollah? Who will aid the Russian/Iranian puppet in Syria. If there is a better place and time for the world to call for everyone to turn over their cards I have never seen it. If we allow Russia and Putin to follow through with this European threat we will be welcoming the first step in the reestablishment of  the U.S.S.R. 

The President needs to block out the whines for military intervention from the familiar 'Right Wing'voices. Properly applied non-military sanctions will quickly bring Putin either sooner to his senses or, later, to his knees. The U.S. and its European 'Allies' have an opportunity TODAY to not repeat the errors that followed  WWII and allowed Russia to arrive here in the first place. It would be economically difficult for the U.S. to pull off this 'coup' alone. It would be much more palatable to Americans if they knew our partners in Europe were behind us( and not as far behind as usual). If worse comes to worse and Europe hasn't the taste for such bold action, so be it. It is high time that the U.S. acted in ITS OWN interest and at ITS OWN pace. This is not a call for isolation. Rather, it is a call to action from our allies and a safer action than they have either answered or criticized over the past twenty years. 

Even if the U.S. fails to find support in Europe, this action is what I would call Self Preservation rather than Isolation. The only question left to be answered is whether or not the United States and, most importantly, its citizens have the 'stuff ' to face down this latest threat in a difficult economic time. Have we  become so self protective that we will  continue to hide our heads in the sand and do nothing? Will we send our soldiers, mercenaries actually, again to take care of it for us and thank them, " for their service" when they return home maimed and confused? Or...

Where DO we go from here...

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